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Athlete Agents

The Alabama Athlete Agents Commission was established by the Alabama Legislature in 1988 through the Alabama Athlete Agents Regulatory Act. In 1994, the administrative functions for the Commission were transferred to the Office of the Secretary of State. In 2001, the Legislature adopted further amendments to the state law governing athlete agents through the Alabama Uniform Athlete Agents Act.

Any individual who operates as an athlete agent in Alabama is required by the Alabama Athlete Agents Regulatory Act to be licensed by the Commission.

You may now view the list of registered athlete agents on-line. You may either browse the full listing of registered athlete agents or search for an athlete agent.

For the text of the amended law, please click here.

You may request an information packet to be mailed directly to your home or office.

Alternatively, you may download the application by clicking here.

You may obtain additional assistance by contacting our staff.


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P.O. Box 5616
Montgomery, AL 36103-5616
Phone:  (334) 242-7200
Fax:  (334) 242-4993
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