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Notaries Public

Appointment and Commissioning

Notaries in the State of Alabama are appointed and commissioned by the probate judges of the various counties. The probate judge reports to the Secretary of State the name, county, date of issuance and date of expiration of the commission of each notary appointed and commissioned under applicable law.

For information on being appointed a notary public, please contact the probate judge for your county. Click here to obtain contact information for him or her.

Also, refer to these websites for information:

Please note that the Secretary of State does not appoint or commission notaries. However, the records filed with this office regarding the appointment and commissioning of notaries are a matter of public record and are available for review by the general public. You can browse the list of commissioned notaries by viewing our government records.

Duties and Responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities of notaries are spelled out in the Code of Alabama. You may view Act 2011-295 online. It is the newest legislation regarding notaries public.

For more information on any Alabama Attorney General’s opinions concerning notary law, please visit the Opinions Search page of that website.

Authentication of Notarial Signature and Seal

Information on authentication of the signature and seal of a notary public is available by clicking here.

For additional information, contact:
Stephanie Vaught
Phone: (334) 353-2171


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P.O. Box 5616
Montgomery, AL 36103-5616
Phone:  (334) 242-7200
Fax:  (334) 242-4993
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