Secretary of State filing fees
Registration: $100.00
Cancellation: $100.00
Change of Agent: $25.00
Annual Notice: $100.00
Judge of Probate filing fees
Registration (minimum): $50.00
Cancellation $50.00
Filing Procedures
- The name must contain the words Limited
Liability Partnership or its abbreviations
L.L.P. or LLP.
- File original and two copies of LLP
registration in the Probate Judge's office
in the county where the LLPs registered
agent/office is located.
- The Probate Judge will collect the Secretary
of State's filing fees.
- Annual notices are due on or before March 15. You may
download the
Annual Notice Form or file the LLP Annual Report online.
- Download the
domestic form.
Secretary of State
filing fees
Registration: $150.00
Withdrawal: $100.00
Change of Agent: $25.00
Annual Notice: $100.00
Filing Procedures
The name must contain the words Limited Liability Partnership or its
abbreviations L.L.P. or LLP.
Present for filing to the Alabama Secretary of State, Business Entities
Division, PO Box 5616, Montgomery, AL 36103-5616, an original of the
LLP registration form with a "certificate of status" from the filing
office in the jurisdiction where the foreign LLP is registered.
Annual notices are due on or before March 15. You may
Download the
Annual Notice Form or file the LLP Annual Report online.
If you would like an acknowledgment of your LLP registration, please
submit the registration form in duplicate and include self-addressed
stamped envelope.
- Download the
foreign form